Author: coinvolutio


Random note Expand the state you can traverse also meaning expand the range of states which it is possible to be in. It will increase your possibility of shortcuts! You probably think like this now ↓ But hey it´s sunny and a good song is playing “Tik-tok next block, Timechain don´t stop”! More Random things: […]

Bitcoin and Cryptography

If you are interested in the cryptography in Bitcoin take a look at this short article (remember that BTC have moved from ECDSA to Schnorr signatures). This leads me up to another article I have started to write. If you know nothing about cryptographic, read some books about it. It´s super fascinating stuff. Let me […]

An interesting story

Today I read a small story from Jorge Luis Borges called “The Library of Babel”. I have since been thinking and thinking! It´s a fascinating small story. Read it here: Check also this site: At present it contains all possible pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books. If you like art check out this page: “Image […]